Adult Programs




Hi, my name is AJ, and I am the Adult Services Coordinator at the Kingsville Public Library. That is the technical title for my job, but I am the one having all the fun!

I have spent most of my life living working right here in Ashtabula County, and the library is my dream job for me. My degree and background are in education, and I love both teaching and learning, so being the person who designs and implements programs at the library is perfect fit! We have programs, lots of programs! I love cooking, crafting, cricuting and upcycling. I share my passion for these in some of our adult programs and services at the library. Be sure to join me for a in person program soon. 



Library Programs for Adults

Club & Meetings

Friends of the Kingsville Public Library 

1st Tuesday of the Month: 1pm-3pm at the Simak Welcome Center

In the Stacks Book Club 

1st Tuesday of the Month: 6pm-7:30pm in the Library

Kingsville Quilters

Wednesdays: 9:30am-11:30am at the Simak Welcome Center

Writer's Group

1st Saturday: 10am at the Simak Welcome Center

Village Readers Book Club 

3rd Tuesday of the Month: 1pm-2:30pm in the Library