HotSpot Lending

Hotspots are available on a Walk - In Basis and Holds May be placed

Mobile Hotspot – Use Agreement & Guidelines for Borrowing

·         Must be 18 years of age or older.

·         Must have a valid Driver’s License/State ID

·         A Kingsville Library Card in good standing (fines less than $5.00) with a current address on file in the (Library's Legal Service Area) must be presented at the time of checkout. The phone number must be verified by staff before the item may be borrowed the first time.

·         You are limited to one Hotspot per household.

·         This agreement must be signed at the time of checkout.

·         You are not guaranteed 4G LTE service on Hotspots.  The first 25 GB has 4G service, after that the service may be reduced to 3G LTE.


Loan Period:  Mobile Hotspots may be checked out for 10 days.

           There is a 24 hours waiting period before checking out another Hotspot device to the same household.


·         Mobile Hotspots must be returned with original components IN PERSON to Kingsville Library.

·         Hotspots are never to be placed in Library book drop – they could be damaged and you will be responsible for replacement costs.

·         The Library reserves the right to refuse service.

·         Mobile Hotspots are due 2 hours prior to the library closing, hotspots not returned will be deactivated.

Fines & Liability:

·         The overdue fine is $5 per day, maximum of $25.

·         Hotspots use will be suspended for 30 days if overdue two times nonconsecutively.

·         Hotspots use will be blocked if overdue three times nonconsecutively.  

·         After 5 days late, the device will go to lost, and you will be billed the total replacement cost of the device and lose all library card privileges until fines        are paid.

·         Mobile Hotspots are not eligible for fine forgiveness.

·         Mobile Hotspot should be kept in a temperature- controlled environment; do not leave it in a car or outdoors.

·         Patrons are responsible for costs associated with loss or damage of Hotspot and/or cords, adapters, cases, etc.

·         Replacement Costs: Total for all items is $170.00

o    Hotspot  Device: $125.00  Case : $15.00  Charger Block & Charger Cord: $30.00

·         Patrons are not permitted to purchase or provide their own replacement items.


·         The Kingsville Public Library is not responsible for websites visited on the Mobile Hotspot or any damage to patron devices.

·        Requested hotspots must be picked up 48 hours after receiving a pick-up notification call.